Our Providers

Here To Serve

General Guidelines:

American Indian Health and Family Services has a medical clinic that is open to persons with or without insurance. Some of our accepted insurances can be found on our FAQs webpage, but please call to get the most up-to-date info. If a person has insurance they will need to bring that information to the initial visit to ensure coverage.

If a person does not have insurance they must bring in proof of income to qualify for the sliding fee discount.


We also have a financial hardship policy in order to establish a standard procedure of providing discounted services to clients experiencing financial hardship without violating Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services billing guidelines or other provider contractual obligations.
Click here to see our 2020 Financial Hardship policy(pdf) below.

What to bring with you:
• Driver’s license or state identification
• Status card
• Insurance information
• Proof of income

Please call us for more details or for any questions you may have.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)