Health Care With Purpose.

Integrating traditional Native American Healing and Spiritual PracticesWith Contemporary Western Medicine.


Medical Care

Here to serve our community with our medical services.

Behavioral Health Care

Understanding behavior in a healthy approach is our balanced approach.

Community Health & Family Wellness

The healthier our community is the stronger we can accomplish together.

Welcome to our Medical , Behavioral Health, & Community Wellness Facility

Since 1978, American Indian Health & Family Services (AIHFS) has been a nonprofit health and community wellness center whose mission is to empower and enhance the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being of underserved populations in Southeast Michigan. The center’s approach integrates traditional Native American healing and spiritual practices with contemporary Western medicine in both treatment and prevention through the use of the Integrated Care Model.


Precautions and the latest mandates

Traditional & Holistic Healing

A traditional approach to healing

Youth & Young Adult

Keeping our youth and young adults at the forefront

Patient Portal

Bring in your completed forms directly


Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Our Proactive Approach

In this section we are providing the latest changes we are doing in order to continue to provide our services to the community in the safest manner. Please check back frequently as developments will arise quickly.

Our Mission

is to empower and enhance the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing of American Indian/Alaska Native individuals, families and other underserved populations in SE MI through culturally grounded health and family services.

The Youth Are Our Future

Looking for a place where youth can come to learn their Native identity? Since 1992, our program has been building a positive support network for Native youth and families while exploring ways to live healthy.

Your Online Account Access

All patient forms should be printed and brought to your appointment and not emailed or submitted via a portal. This is to ensure the protection of our patient's information and to prevent us from breaching any HIPPA regulations.


988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. This dialing code became available to everyone across the United States on July 16, 2022.

Latest News

Stay up to date with the latest news and events

Our Funders
& Supporters

We are grateful to our supporters and for their vested partnership for the health and well-being of our community.

Our Testimonials

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)