A healing journey under the guidance of a traditional healer that takes place outdoors in a domed-shaped enclosure using a sacred fire, water, and traditional medicines. All are welcome! Our Sweat Lodge Ceremonies are traditionally held the first Saturday after a new moon, but we also hold Elder Sweat Lodges throughout the month too.
In keeping with our mission to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness, American Indian Health and Family Services have been hosting sweat lodges since the founding of our agency. Native people in urban areas are often not able to travel to their respective tribal communities for ceremonies and cultural services or may prefer to attend ceremonies closer to where they live.
We are honored to be able to offer these ceremonies at AIHFS and are committed to having cultural leaders who are respectful and inclusive to facilitate them. There are different teachings and protocols for lodges and we encourage you to call AIHFS for more information, while also taking the time to read the following information:
Sweat lodge attire:
Attire includes shorts for men and a long dress or long skirt and modest top for women. Many people also like to bring a towel. Please don’t wear any metal (including underwires) as they can become hot during the lodge.
Food/Gift to share:
Bringing food to share is part of the ceremony and is considered our give-away to each other. Usually, there is a small feast after the lodge.
AIHFS offers tobacco and arranges the elder’s transportation for these events. Participants are also welcome too, but not required to, bring tobacco or small gifts to share with the lodge conductor which supports their ability to travel and provide healing services.
In addition, we ask the community to help contribute to lodges at AIHFS by offering donations to support the purchase or pick up of supplies (wood, grandfathers/rocks, towels) or travel/lodging for guests conducting the lodges.