Our Providers

  • Josette French, MD


  • Jesse Klebba, DO

    Medical Director

  • Alicia Steele, MD

    Family Medicine Physician

  • Jessie Lucero, LBSW

    Case Manager

  • Iris Luna, LLMSW

    Behavioral Health Therapist

  • Malaika Ward, LMSW

    Behavioral Health Therapist

  • Barbara Thomas, LMSW

    Behavioral Health Director

Josette French, MD


Josette French, MD is a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Michigan. Her tribal roots are tied to Sugar Island on her grandmother’s side and Saint Ignace on her grandfather’s side.

She is a board-certified family physician and earned her ten-year recertification in 2015. Dr. French received her Bachelor of Science degree from Yale University in New Haven, CT in 1991 and her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Florida, College of Medicine in Gainesville, FL in 1995. Dr. French completed her family medicine residency at Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn, MI in 1998. She has worked at AIHFS since 1998 and is dedicated to trying to lessen the health disparities seen in the Native community.
In her leisure time, she enjoys spending lots of time with her family, getting outside to walk and bike as much as possible, relaxing on Michigan’s beautiful beaches, and staying centered with daily meditation and yoga.

Jesse Klebba, DO

Medical Director

Jesse Klebba is a board-certified family physician who joined American Indian Health and Family services as the medical director in February 2022. Born and raised in south east Michigan he graduated from Wayne State University with a bachelor’s degree in biology followed by medical school at Michigan State University. After graduating medical school, he pursued a career in Indian health working with the Puyallup tribe. He attended the Puyallup tribal health authority for residency and later signed on as a full spectrum family medicine faculty member. As a faculty member he worked and trained residents in both inpatient and outpatient medicine including obstetrics. He also worked as the tribal correctional facility doctor and was actively training to become the lab Director. He was a member of the EHR committee and the core competency committee working to both to improve the medical records and enhance resident training. As an osteopathic physician he approaches health with a mind, body, and spirit perspective and plans to bring his experience as a mentor with him into his position as medical director.

Alicia Steele, MD

Family Medicine Physician

Doctor Alicia Steele, born and raised in Michigan, is grateful for the opportunity to serve at American Indian Health and Family Services in Detroit. Alicia has been deeply inspired by her family, a Zapatista indigenous community, an indigenous community in Pembroke, NC and the community of Detroit, Michigan. Her passion for community health justice led her to study medicine in a universal healthcare model in Cuba, at the Latin American School of Medicine. In Havana, Cuba, Alicia honed an ability to weave biological, emotional, cultural, and social needs into medical care. Following medical school in Cuba, Alicia returned home to complete her 3 year medical residency in Detroit. Alicia deeply believes in loving kindness, joy, justice, wellness and that clean water, cultural respect and understanding and healthcare are human rights. She can be found in her Southwest Detroit community enjoying delicious local food, art, music, dancing, playing sports, laughing, and smiling with her family, friends, and mother nature. Alicia is also a mother to two kittens, Vaquito (little cow) and Koalito (little koala) and many plants.

Jessie Lucero, LBSW

Case Manager

Jessie Lucero is an enrolled member of Taos Pueblo. She is an urban Native and has spent her life living in Detroit. She graduated from Michigan State University in 2015 with a Bachelors of Social Work, with specializations in geriatrics and cultural studies. Throughout her college career, she participated in MSU’s North American Indigenous Student Organization, and served as a cultural programmer and co-chair. 
Jessie is a licensed social worker and has over 10 years of working in the healthcare industry. She has a deep passion for social work, and is honored to work for the agency which has enriched her life in many ways. 
Jessie is walking on the Red Road. In her free time, she enjoys attending community social and spiritual events, powwows, and round dances. She is a women’s traditional dancer, and enjoys making beadwork. 

Iris Luna, LLMSW

Behavioral Health Therapist

Iris is a member of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians in Peshawbestown, Michigan. She graduated with her Masters in Social Work from the University of Michigan with a specialization in the welfare of children and families. Iris is passionate about serving the Native American population and others in the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color) community. She is honored to have the opportunity to assist those who seek support from AIHFS.

In her leisure time, Iris enjoys visiting her hometown of Traverse City, going to powwows, practicing yoga, hiking, trying new food, and hanging out with friends and family.

Malaika Ward, LMSW

Behavioral Health Therapist

Malaika Ward is a behavioral health therapist here at American Indian Health and Family Services. She attended Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, where she obtained a BA in Sociology. She joined Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and was an elected representative in the Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU). It was at this beautiful campus where she went to her first statewide Pow-Wow and enjoyed fried bread for the very first time. After working for a year as a community organizer, she was admitted to graduate school at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. While at UM she worked on research projects about black males and suicide. She graduated in 2007 with Honors. As a well-rounded social worker with experiences in the school systems, community mental health and nonprofits, she developed an anti-bullying program, and a substance abuse program. She is currently focused on assisting adults stay clean and sober with the use of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. When she is not at work she enjoys visiting yard sales, turning items into art, going to art museums, and attending music concerts.

Barbara Thomas, LMSW

Behavioral Health Director

Barbara Thomas have been practicing in the mental health space for over 30 years and practicing in the health and life insurance space for approximately 9 years. Barbara has worked directly and indirectly with individuals, families, groups, and entrepreneurs as a direct line worker and in various leadership roles ranging from Board Member to Supervisor. Direct client services facilitated Barbara’s understanding and importance to ensure clients possessed the knowledge and insight on how to use the health and life insurance coverage they have purchased. Barbara has successfully provided education, information and support with accessing services with both types of insurances thus marrying this skill to the social service space to elevate the level of care and delivery of services to clients and patients. Barbara’s professional journey began at Cleveland State University as an undergraduate student. She earned her Social Work degree with a double minor in Criminal Justice and Psychology. Barbara continued her education by earning her Master’s degree from The Ohio State University (OSU) in the area of Social Work with a focus on Business Administration. Barbara contributed to the first set of Public Health Practicing Standards for Social Workers in the State of Ohio and published her first evidenced based field practicum research article all before graduating from OSU. Barbara’s professional advancement has not precluded her from spending her free time with family and friends.

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(10am - 05 pm)