Pow wow 2024

Thank You For Attending

Powwow In The D!

We want to send out a big thank you to everyone that attended Powwow In The D on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024! We were so glad to see so many that came to honor our culture and traditions. We hope you enjoyed the day!

We also want to send a big thank to our head staff for fulfilling their commitments and making it look easy: George Martin as head veteran, Travis Schuyler as arena director, Eric Sowmick as head man dancer, Ashinique Soney-Wesaw as head female dancer, War Paint as our host drum and Sharp Feather as our co-host. We send a thank you to special performances from Aztec Dancers and the Ogichida Kwe singers.

This year it was a great pleasure to partner with Wayne State University. This setting, and their support providing transportation and water stations, made a beautiful backdrop for our gathering of singing, dancing and community building.

We also want to thank all the vendors that came to sell their food, crafts and unique items sometimes found only at a Powwow.

In wrapping this up, we also want to thank our own staff and volunteers for all the dedication they showed in helping to put on this event for all to enjoy, especially the facilities department who were first on the scene early that day. Furthermore, we would like to give a special thank you to our Powwow Committee. There was a lot of time dedicated to planning and organizing before an event of this magnitude can be successfully executed.

Watch for more pictures and video in the future!

For more info about that day’s activities,
Ph. (313) 846-3718


Pow wow in the D is funded in part by the Song Foundation and SAMHSA.

Click on the pictures below to open up an image gallery for best viewing.

Pictures From August 3rd, 2024

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)