Ages 25 and Older
Zero Suicide operates in support of the medical, behavioral, and cultural services at AIHFS. Zero Suicide is a belief that all deaths by suicide are preventable. We are a suicide prevention initiative with an organizational commitment to provide consistent follow-up and collaborative care management across the health spectrum.
Zero Suicide Services Include:
- Conduct Hope and Wellness Screenings for risks related to mental health and suicide
- Provide training and resources
- Implement policies and procedures to improve suicide care management
- Promote systemic change and a high-reliability culture around suicide care management
Hope and Wellness Screening
Hope and Wellness Screenings are a comprehensive screening for risks related to mental health and suicide. Participants in the Hope and Wellness Screening receive referrals and information on resources, a follow-up call, and a $20 gift card.
- We also offer the Hope and Wellness Screening at our Agency on a scheduled basis.
- Please contact us if you are interested in providing these screenings at your organization.
- Contact us if you would like training in the Hope and Wellness Screening and the Hope and Wellness Toolkit.
For more information or to schedule a screening appointment call (313) 846-6030
If you have any questions regarding these events, trainings or establishing partnerships, please contact:
Ph. 313-846-6030
Zero Suicide
We believe in reaching for Zero Suicides amongst the adults served by our behavioral health clinic, medical clinic, and community wellness programs. Any individual experiencing suicidal ideation or at risk of suicide deserves timely, consistent, and culturally appropriate care. We believe that we can achieve a system of care that is able to best treat those at risk of suicide. We will utilize the 7 Elements of the Zero Suicide model – Lead, Train, Identify, Engage, Treat, Transition, and Improve – as a catalyst for systemic change and improvement of suicide prevention and management at American Indian Health and Family Services. Our Zero Suicide program will collaborate across departments, professions, and disciplines while relying on our community and culture. We will utilize the latest research and treatment methods, and include traditional medicine and healing as essential components of our prevention model. With the implementation of our program, we aim to reach and maintain Zero Suicides in the population which we serve.
Lead a team driven towards a safety-oriented culture committed to reducing suicide among people under care, and include survivors of suicide attempts and suicide loss in leadership and planning roles.
Train and develop a competent, confident, and caring workforce.
Identify and assess for risk of suicide, substance abuse, and mental health issues.
Engage individuals in ensuring that they have a pathway to care that is timely, adequate meets their needs, and includes a collaborative safety plan and means restriction.
Treat with evidence-based treatments that target suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Provide treatments and services connected to Practice Based Evidence (Traditional Medicine, Traditional Healing).
Transition to the provision of continuous contact and support, especially after acute care.
Improve our system by applying data-driven, quality improvement approaches to inform system changes to lead to improved patient outcomes and care for those at risk.
Trainings and Resources
Mental Health First Aid for Adults
LivingWorks Start (online suicide awareness training)
Zero Suicide Foundational Overview
Screening for Suicide at your organization
Hope and Wellness Screening
The Zero Suicide Project regularly provides free Hope and Wellness Screenings, a comprehensive screening for suicide risk, at community events and for health care and social service organizations. Participants in the Hope and Wellness Screening receive referrals and information on resources, a follow up call, a $20 gift card, and a gift. We also offer the Hope and Wellness Screening at our Agency on a scheduled basis. Please contact us if you are interested in providing these screenings at your organization to improve identification of individuals at risk for suicide, or if you would like training in the Hope and Wellness Screening and the Hope and Wellness Toolkit.
Zero Suicide AIHFS YouTube Playlist (In the Works)
Motivation, Inspiration, Achievement, Systemic Change, Community, Individual and Organizational Health, Aspiration Goals, HopeFULness…these are but a few key aspects of our approach to suicide prevention. Our YouTube playlist, will display speeches, motivational talks, instructional or teaching videos (TEDTalk), content related to the Zero Suicide Approach (for advocates, clinicians, healthcare workers, and healthcare organizations), motivational videos and music, and resources focused on improvement of mental health. The YouTube playlist will also feature videos and multimedia recording of Zero Suicide activities and events.
The Zero Suicide AIHFS YouTube playlist is always under development. Suggestions for material and videos can be sent to
Assist with trainings (must hold up to date instructor certification)
Participate in Community Focus Groups
Provide advice from Lived Experience on how best to achieve program objectives
Outreach and networking
Assist with screening events as a screener (must meet requirements to provide screenings)
Assist with Traditional Medicine and Ceremonies (Fire keeper for Sweat Lodges, Participation in Men’s or Women’s groups)