Charity Gala



Date: 10/3/25
Time: 6:00-9:30PM
Location: Garden Theater
Attire: Semi-formal
Catering: Two Unique

Join us for the AIHFS 4th Annual Charity Gala on October 3, 2025, at The Garden Theater in Detroit. This inspiring evening will bring together philanthropists, community leaders, and advocates to empower Native American health and well-being. The gala will feature our keynote panel, “Empowering Wellness: Innovative Philanthropy for Native Health in Detroit,” highlighting innovative solutions to address the unique health challenges faced by Native communities and underserved populations.

Proceeds from the event will directly support the expansion of AIHFS services through our new facility, enhancing healthcare access and resources for American Indian and Alaska Native families, as well as other underserved communities in Metro Detroit. Join us for an evening of meaningful discussions, networking opportunities, and a silent auction, all aimed at fostering positive change and promoting cultural competence in healthcare. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the health and wellness of our communities.


Tickets will be available starting July 1, 2025.

For sponsorship inquiries for the 2025 Charity Gala, please contact Kimberly at or phone 313-580-2614


We are grateful for the following sponsorship.

Donated Auction Items

AIHFS sincerely appreciates businesses and individuals who support the agency through donating items for the 2025 gala silent auction:

Bell's Brewery
Chantal Gros-Louis
Charles River Boat Company
City Bird
Creative Arts Studio
Cork & Gabel
Detroit Athletic Club Foundation
Detroit City Football Club
Detroit Institute of Arts Museum
Detroit Princess Riverboat
Douglas J. Aveda Institute
Emagine Theaters
Frederick Meijer Gardens
Grand Rapids Public Museum
Impression 5 Science Center
j~lo the artist
Kimberly and Jerry Copeland
Mary Edwards Smith
National Coney Island
National Museum of the Great Lakes
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Noreen Owens Photography
Odawa Casino
Mid-Michigan Children's Museum
Royal Oak Golf Center
Seka Hills | Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
Spectacle Society
Stardust Fun

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